iTwin- The Revolutionary USB

             Remember guys in Oct we discussed of Sohan Dharmaraja an Indian(Tamilian) who invented a very useful touch device that could be operated by blind. Now i am proud to inform you about another Tamilian Lux Anantharaman .That too Chennai-born one who is now,the talk of the world for his invention of a revolutionary USB device which makes Remote File Access really easy and highly secure. He named the device as iTwin. I think he may be a fan of our beloved Steve Jobs (guess from the name he gave to his invention) .

To say about him after achieving a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from IIT in Chennai and a Masters degree from IISc in Bangalore, Lux worked first as an IT security researcher at the Institute of Systems Science, Singapore and then as senior researcher at Kent Ridge Digital Labs and the Institute for Infocomm Research.  Lux specializes in PKI implementations, efficient digital certificate revocations and usable security. Lux was pursuing a part-time MBA at NUS Business School, Singapore, but put studies on hold because of potential of iTwin. 

An interview of him about iTwin : here

             Ok, lets have the look at the functions of iTwin.  Unlike Google Docs, which moves your files to the cloud, or Dropbox, which synchronizes files between multiple computers (also via the cloud), iTwin stores everything on your hard drive. You just need to insert one USB in your PC and carry the other along. Whenever you want to access the data, all you need to do is connect the USB drive to any computer with Internet connection, and gain access to all your files securely, without any requirement of any third-party software. The iTwin costs about Rs. 5,000.

                         Ananthraman says that his iTwin has more advantages than other free cloud services such as Dropbox and Sugarsync. He points out that the iTwin ensures data is stored only on users' computer and sharing is fully encrypted. Also, the procedure is very simplistic as it does not involve setting up of different software and plug-ins. In case one loses one USB, all he/she needs to do is unplug the other one from the PC. Moreover, one can also disable the other USB remotely, using a passcode generated at the time of sharing, very much like sharing of files via Bluetooth.While discussing the company's future plans, Ananthraman reveals that they are presently focussing on the US and European markets but India is also on their priority list.
