9 out of 10 hackers come from one country

                                 Ya, 9 out 10 hackers come from the very same country. The word hacking may sound a little bad, they aren't really. The coders do like it. They actually express their talents via them. Facebook, the social networking giant themselves conduct coding contest within the company named, "hackathon" and the workers too enjoy it.

                                 The indian company named "Interview Street" does a good work of conducting periodic hacking contest, that means members are given the problems to solve and based on the score they will be recruited for the firm. the coder can answer the question in what ever language he knows. Here is the top 10 scorers in it.

                              Yes , 9 out of 10 hackers come from China and the thing is see the above picture the country of 9th hacker is not known. Who knows?? He might also be from china. If so then the headlines will be that top 10 hackers are ones born in China.  
