Above is the doodle from Google for the Earth day. They have done their part too good by informing about the day, but what are you going to do ahead. Simply by knowing today is the Earth day or sharing the info about the day or playing with today's doodle in their homepage will not make any sense, really we have to act up on it. Please do, do something that could be environmentally helpful to our earth. You can plant saplings or if you cant simply take an pledge that you will not do certain act that harms our earth.
You can reduce the amount of littering on the public places, proper usage of dustbins, using public transport, low carbon emitting vehicles, and so on... Rather than using the word "reduce" i think we should use the word "stop" because its not the starting, to reduce and save. Its been long we done this nasty stuff to our home.
Ok, no problem (can say, but literally there are many) at least now we need to take some serious step or else we can find a single step on our earth to live on.....
Do it now, do it for our earth
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