CyanogenMod 10.1 – M2 Released !!

                                CyanogenMod, the producers of customized android OS for various devices has released their latest CM 10.1 M2 for the android 4.2.2 based devices. The release is mentioned to be a nightly release in their site and the users are asked to report the bugs in the current M-release so that the CM team can work towards the stable release of the OS. Currently very few devices are in the list , that accepts to run with M-release. But CM team reported that soon or less there will be release of OS that supports many devices in market.

The list of devices receiving M-release are :   

  • Acer Iconia a700
  • Google Nexus S (crespo, crespo4g)
  • Google Nexus 7 (grouper, tilapia)
  • Google Galaxy Nexus (toro, toroplus, maguro)
  • Google Nexus 4 (mako)
  • Google Nexus 10 (manta)
  • Google Nexus Q (steelhead)
  • Hardkernel Odroid-U2
  • HTC One X (evita)
  • HTC Incredible 4G LTE (fireball)
  • HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel)
  • HTC One S (ville)
  • LG Nitro HD (p930)
  • LG Optimus LTE (su640)
  • LG Spectrum (vs920)
  • Samsung Galaxy S (captivatemtd, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, epicmtd)
  • Samsung Galaxy SII (i9100g, hercules, skyrocket)
  • Samsung Galaxy SIII (US variants d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2vzw)
  • Samsung Note (quincytmo, quincyatt)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (p3100, p3110)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (p5100, p5110)

                               Many devices are upto have releases in upcoming days. 

If you have any one of the above devices and gave a try to the new M-release, please to report thr bugs you find at  their new jira site for reporting bugs

Get CyanogenMod running in your device at  :) 
